Chris Towles's Blog
I'm a software engineer and Solution architect. Usually in AWS, Vue, Typescript, Python and tinkering with everything else.
Writing about the following

Migrate Vue 2 with Vuetify and Jest to Vite and Vitest
So my main project at work is a Vue 2 and Vuetify 2 site, but privately I have been playing with Vue 3 and loved the Composition API to avoid mixins. Due to some new features, we are planning to build soon. I wanted to write it in Vue 3, to prevent needing to migrate it later.

What is this blog about?
Why should you listen to me?
Because I've been doing this for over 20 years and learned a thing or two the hard way.
Take Notes
Always take notes. You will forget given time. Leave a clue for future you.
Setup CI/CD
if its worth deploying, its worth doing so in a repeatable way.
tests help you! Want to refactor and improve things? Tests let you do that!